These are examples of the services Susannah can provide to current or prospective HEIs and their staff, Students’ Unions or to organisations supporting the HE sector.
Strategic development and delivery:
Evaluating plans or policy to identify success and areas for change
Working with colleagues to assess or implement new initiatives
Drafting or advising on documentation to meet OfS requirements
Supporting registration with the Office for Students
Helping HEIs with Degree-Awarding Powers or TEF submissions
Setting up, reviewing or withdrawing from collaborative provision
Building effective relationships between Students’ Unions and universities
Effective Governance:
Reviewing Senate/Academic Board and academic governance effectiveness
Reviewing executive governance
Planning the implementation of change
Evaluating the impact of change
Straightforward student-facing policy and quality & standards frameworks:
Reviewing policy and regulatory effectiveness
Aligning policy and regulation
Writing clear academic regulations or policy
Establishing effective quality and standards frameworks
Professional Service Teams and Outputs:
Reviewing the design of student and/or academic services
Providing external input to senior staff appointment panels
Developing role descriptions
Working with leaders and managers to create team vision and direction
Mentoring current or aspiring leaders
Resolve complex student cases:
Investigation of student complaints
Mediation between students
Resolve complex staff cases:
Trained workplace mediator to help colleagues re-build their relationships